6th FOKUS Media Web Symposium
News from May 23, 2017
The Media Web Symposium has become an annual expert meeting for the topics of the media web. During the two symposium days, technical aspects as well as trends and business related aspects of the new technologies were discussed. The presentations provided an overview of the current trends in the creative industry. The main themes were the latest developments in internet delivered media such as 360° video, Virtual and Augmented Reality for the media market.
The tutorials, workshops and conference day offered the latest insights in future challenges, opportunities and standardization of HbbTV.
In the exhibition area, sponsors and partners showed their latest developments and solutions. Fraunhofer FOKUS presented their applications and live-show-cases in the SmartTV-Lounge and during the exhibition.
In addition to the 6th FOKUS Media Web Symposium event Fraunhofer FOKUS hosted co-located events, such as the “DASH-IF Workshop”, “dash.js face2face meeting”, as well as the “DASH-IF face2face meeting” in the context of the Media Web Week in Berlin.
The event was supported by W3C, DASH Industry Forum, HbbTV, WAVE, VR Industry Forum, bitkom, vprt e. V., IRT, BITMOVIN, mpat, BitTubes and Telekom.