June 13–14, 2023
– Berlin
Alexander Leschinsky
Co-Founder, Managing Director, G&L Geißendörfer, Leschinsky GmbH
Panel "Greening of Streaming": Workshop Green Streaming, Day 1, Session 3, 16:30 - 18:00
Alexander Leschinsky, together with Hans W. Geißendörfer, established the ‘Streaming Division’ department of Geißendörfer Film- und Fernsehproduktion in 1999. They founded the company G&L in 2005. Alexander Leschinsky studied systematic musicology, phonetics and computer science at the University of Cologne and electrical engineering at the University of Hagen. He focused on bridging technical, juridical, business and editorial topics. Alexander Leschinsky is married, father of three grown-up children and a passionate tenor in a choir.