
Psychosocial situation of the population during the Corona pandemic

Jan. 01, 2021 to Dec. 31, 2021

The aim of the BMBF-funded project “Psychosocial situation picture of the population during the corona pandemic” (LaBeCo) is the retrospective collection and systematization of psychosocial situation information for Germany during the corona crisis.

While virological and epidemiological research in particular is considered in the management of the corona crisis, there is also a large number of empirical studies that can depict the facets of the psychosocial situation. For this purpose, the FU Berlin is researching, systematizing and relating these studies to each other by means of a qualitative meta-analysis. In order to make this database more usable, Fraunhofer FOKUS is developing a digital research platform that uses ontology-based matching and filtering algorithms to enable interest-driven and targeted searches.

Another goal of the project is to test innovative methods for surveying the psychosocial situation. For this purpose, Fraunhofer FOKUS is developing an app for in-situ survey in cooperation with the partners.