piveau®: Ecosystem for data management
Data technologies and tools for processing administrative data: piveau® is a data management ecosystem for the public sector - for use cases relating to big data, data sharing and open data.
Each day, public administration collects a large amount of data - the existing data pool is constantly growing, especially against the background of digital change. Up-to-date, high-quality data can form the basis for evidence-based management. With the help of systematic data processing, public administration can, for example, make knowledge more usable for policy-making. In many cases, however, this data is collected, processed and utilised both internally and externally without being targeted.
Intelligent data processing is particularly important in these areas of administrative modernisation:
- Modernisation of administrative processes: As part of the Online Access Act, many processes are being revised and digitised to a greater extent. Good data management facilitates the changeover considerably.
- Artificial intelligence: In order to relieve employees of routine tasks and, for example, to involve them more closely in advising citizens submitting applications, efforts are currently being made to automate corresponding processes with the help of AI. The better the data basis, the simpler it is to implement projects and realise potential efficiency gains.
- Open data: The current legal framework stipulates that a proportion of administrative data must be made freely available to every citizen in the form of open data.
- Smart Cities: In view of the evolution of our cities and communities into smart cities or communities, the strategic management of existing data in public administrations is also becoming increasingly important – and at the same time more demanding.

Solution Approach
piveau® is a data management platform for the public sector. It can be used for the flexible development of powerful data portals or internal data management systems. piveau® supports the complete processing chain with components and tools: from the collection and aggregation of data to its provision and utilisation. The use of standards means that piveau® can be easily integrated into an existing environment and deployed together with existing applications. piveau® is also designed for cloud use - making it scalable and future-proof.
The piveau® data technologies form a toolbox with various individual modules. They can be combined and expanded according to requirements:
- piveau consus enables the simple import, processing and storage of data or metadata in a single step - even from external sources (harvesting).
- piveau staging supports internal processes before the actual publication of data.
- piveau metrics checks the data intensively according to various quality criteria.
- piveau ui is a modern and customisable web interface for the use and management of extensive data catalogues.
- piveau hub is a lightweight data catalogue for managing and providing metadata.
- piveau advocat checks the data licences of individual data sets and makes them comprehensible to owners and users.
- piveau charts enables the uncomplicated creation of meaningful visualisations based on geoinformation or tabular data.
- piveau incognito supports users in the provision of sensitive data.

Technical Implementation
- Modern architectural approach through microservices
- Compliant with the ‘Open Urban Platform Reference Architecture Model’ DIN SPEC 91357
- High interoperability through the use of open standards, such as DCAT-AP
- Easily expandable and customisable thanks to a modular structure
Solution in Action
piveau® components are used in various projects involving Fraunhofer FOKUS - from open data portals to a platform for the secure sharing of personal data and the management of industrial data:
- Data.Europa.EU
- SenIAS Social Information System
- Support Centre for Data Sharing
- OpenNRW
- DataVaults
More information about piveau® can be found here.