Forward to 6G! Challenges & Opportunities of Beyond 5G Networks
While digital transformation represents a pivotal development of our society, converging the communication technologies within a single mainstream technology, gradually connecting everything and everywhere, the 5G deployments have still to overcome the economic challenges and to prove their exceptional qualities across the world.
In this context it is time to look beyond the 5G network towards what the telecommunication system would look like in 2030. Commonly referred to as 6G, the network of 2030 is driven by the pervasive adoption of AI, both within the individual network layers and holistically across the system, as well as the need for energy efficiency, decomplexification, extensive trust, and security to deliver on the promise of digitization across a wide variety of use cases and deployments.
In addition, the standardization community is in full swing towards full network flexibility, aiming to provide ultra-low latency, dedicated fixed, nomadic and mobile campus networks, and alternatively global networks. The time has come to prove the full potential of campus networks, build a corresponding provider ecosystem, and deliver on the promise of 5G by complementing the operator deployments with a myriad of highly customized, yet convergent, vertical networks.
Starting from 3GPP Release 18 and beyond, the amazing customization features of fully software networks – open, serverless, cloud-native and organic – are leading the new service developments on top of the 5G Service-Based Architectures (SBA). The same trend of software-based services is pushing forward the RAN flexibility and scalability, gradually expanding the telco ecosystem.
The conference will feature short, stimulating presentations followed by highly interactive panels to discover and discuss the latest trends. Interactive demos alongside the conference during the breaks will provide hands-on inspiration and illustrate the beyond 5G and 6G technologies.