The tutorial will cover a comprehensive number of telecommunication technologies from the perspective of the 6G and beyond 5G system as the basis for a highly flexible, customizable, and automatic multi-network infrastructure.
Aiming to mirror the current R&D major trends, it focuses on the importance of full softwarization within the context of Open RAN and Organic 6G core network technologies as well as on its highly ramified implications towards new use case opportunities, campus networks, satellite-terrestrial convergence, functionality split models, fluid deployments, radio advancements, opportunities of AI, automation and network management.
In Part 2 of the tutorial we will go in-depth through the different software technologies and how they can be applied for Open RAN, Organic core networks, data-intensive network management. We will conclude with a study on the different deployment scenarios for nomadic and mobile network infrastructures underlining the specific opportunities and benefits and their best-practice engineering in the Fraunhofer FOKUS toolkits.