Peter Neumann
CBC / RTL, Expert Platform Solutions
Talk: "Dynamic Ad Substitution - Current State and Future Outlook"
Peter Neumann studied Electrical Engineering and received the Dipl.-Ing. degree (2009) as well as the Dr.-Ing. degree (2017) from Technische Universitaet Braunschweig (Germany). In 2010 he started his career as a researcher at the Institute for Communications Technology of Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, where his research interest was on system theory and technology for heterogeneous broadcast/broadband networks enabling cost-effective and spectrum-efficient content delivery (Dynamic Broadcast). In 2016 he joined the Platform Solutions department of CBC Cologne Broadcasting Center GmbH. Since then he has been working in the field of program distribution with a focus on hybrid broadcast/broadband TV (HbbTV) and addressable TV (ATV).