Day 1 - Thursday 4, 2010

8:30 - 10:00 -  REGISTRATION 

10:00 - 13:00

Dr. Stefan Arbanowski (Fraunhofer FOKUS), Klaus Merkel (Institut für Rundfunktechnik), Oliver Friedrich (T-Systems International)

Room 0055

10:00 - 13:00

Dr. Nick Allott (Wholesale Application Community, UK), Dr. Stephan Steglich (Fraunhofer FOKUS)

Room 0054

10:00 - 13:00

Christian Räck (Fraunhofer FOKUS), Pablo Cesar (CWI, Netherlands)

Room 1008


14:00 - 18:00 - workshop 1 

HybridTV – Interactive Content Services on various devices

Chair: Dr. Stefan Arbanowski, Fraunhofer FOKUS


Technical Challenges for Connected TV Environments I

HbbTV: from teletext towards interctive TV apps - a short standards update
Klaus Merkel, Institut für Rundfunktechnik

Interoperable Content Protection for Hybrid Environments
Rob Koenen, Intertrust Technologies, USA

OTT TV - Will Internet hit the living room finally?
Volker Blume, Philips Consumer Lifestyle


Technical Challenges for Connected TV Environments II

WebTV - is Internet streaming that easy?
Sven Slazenger, InterLake Media GmbH

Managing all delivery channels: one source - various targets
Dr. Dirk Hetzer, Media Broadcast

Benchmarking MySQL vs. VOD in the FOKUS Open IPTV Ecosystem
Dirk Bartels, Versant, USA

16:00-16:30 Coffee Break, Exhibition & Demos


Business Models & Market Expectations

Consumer Electronics Market Survey & Trends
Michael Schidlack, Bitkom

White Label Portals
Jan Wendt, MMH Netrange

Smart Content Recommendation for various devices
Malte Cherdron, moviepilot


Panel Discussion: Interactive Content Services on various devices

Chair: Jun Chao Hu, Ericcson / OIPF

Jan Wendt, MMH Netrange
Henning Eid, Intel
Dirk Bartels, Versant, USA
Tahar Cherif, Sharp, France
Oliver Friedrich, T-Systems International

14:00 - 18:00 - Workshop 2

Mobile Apps – Mobile application development and distribution

Chair: Dr. Stephan Steglich, Fraunhofer FOKUS


Technical Challenges for mobile app development I

Mobile Apps is the new content
Ajit Jaokar, Futuretext, UK

Studying Mobile Context-aware Social Services in the Wild
Matthias Wagner, NTT Docomo Eurolabs

Browser based application execution environment
Christen Krogh, Opera Software ASA, Norway

Terminal Industry activities
Katrin Jordan, Deutsche Telekom


Technical Challenges for mobile app development II

Your Mobile Internet Device - Services, Apps and the Web
Christian Nord, SonyEricsson, Sweden

CE goes mobile - new devices and resulting challenges
Dr. Kenji Baheux, Sharp, Japan

Connecting Devices: Hiding the Complexity
Rodja Trappe, Hoccer GmbH

16:00-16:30 Coffee Break, Exhibition & Demos


What’s New? – Business and Revenue Models for mobile apps

Extending the reach - mobile apps from an broadcasters perspective
Robert Fahle, RTL interactive GmbH, Leiter Mobile

Mobile services for user dialogues and customer loyalty
Emanuel Maxl, Evolaris Next level GmbH, Austria

Mobile business apps have thin clients
Rainer Häring, IT-Rockstars Services Ltd.

Application Analytics: who turned the lights on?
Dr. George Voulgaris, VisionMobile, UK


Panel Discussion: Mobile application development and distribution

Dr. Nick Allott, Wholesale Application Community (WAC), UK
Robert Fahle, RTL interactive
Ajit Jaokar, FutureText, UK
Katrin Jordan, Deutsche Telekom
Christian Nord, SonyEricsson, Sweden
Dr. George Voulgaris, VisionMobile, UK

19:00 - Social Event @ Osteria Maria

Day 2 - Friday 5, 2010

8:00 - 9:00 - Registration

9:00 - 10:00 - session 1

Opening and Keynotes “Future Media Internet”

Opening by conference chairs: Dr. Stefan Arbanowski & Dr. Stephan Steglich, Fraunhofer FOKUS


Keynote 1: Web Applications: technology and commercial ecosystem
Dr. Nick Allott, Wholesale Application Community (WAC), UK


Keynote2: HybridTV
Dr. Klaus Illgner-Fehns, Institut für Rundfunktechnik

10:00 - 11:00 session 2

Consumer Electronics meets Rich Media

Chair: Yun Chao Hu, OIPF President / Ericsson, Sweden


Interactive IPTV Developments in Singapore – Project NIMS
Veronica Tan, Info-communications Development Authority (IDA), Singapore


IPTV, whats next?
Frank Lonczewski, Deutsche Telekom


The Standards driving Rich Media in Consumer Electronics : HbbTV, DLNA, CE-HTML, HTML5
Jörg Eggink, ACCESS, Japan


Smart TV: Ready for Primetime
Henning Eid, Intel, Germany

11:00-11:30 - Coffee Break, Exhibition & Demos

11:30 - 12:30 session 3

Mobile Media Cloud and Network Embedded Media

Chair: Prof. Axel Küpper (T-Labs / TUB)


Mobile Media Cloud and Network Embedded Media
Bernd Becker, Vorstandsvorsitzender EuroCloud Deutschland-eco e.V.


Towards new multimedia shared experiences
Pablo Cesar, CWI, Netherlands


Convergence is there – use your media wherever you want
Peter Yves Ruland, Microsoft TV


Challenges in Streaming and IPTV media delivery
Uwe Schnepf, nacamar

12:30-13:30 - Lunch, Exhibition & Demos

13:30 - 14:30 - session 4 

Apps everywhere: App Stores, mobile apps & Co

Chair: Dr. Stephan Steglich, Fraunhofer FOKUS


Market Survey and potential
Falk Wöhler-Moorhoff, Detecon International GmbH


Mobile Web Applications
Philipp Hoschka, W3C, France


Smart apps - creation, operation & usage
Markus Willner, Deutsche Telekom AG


Applications Enablement for Strategic Industries (Car, Health, Travel, ..)
Heinz Honemann, Alcatel Lucent Deutschland / zukunft digital

14:30-15:00 - Coffee Break, Exhibition & Demos

15:00 - 16:00 - session 5

Panel ”Content vs. Apps – what´s the ultimate asset”

Chair: Dr. Stefan Arbanowski, Fraunhofer FOKUS


Jan Wendt (MMH NetRange)
Ajit Jaokar (FutureText, UK)
Thomas von Bülow (eco e.V.)
Sebastian Artymiak (VPRT)
Axel Schmiegelow (Sevenload)

16:00 - 17:00 - session 6

Social Media and Smart Mobile Content

Chair: Ajit Jaokar, FutureText


Social web meets interactive media
Axel Schmiegelow, Sevenload


The role of Telcos in the new social app-enriched TV ecosystem
Antonio Pavolini, Telecom Italia, Italy


ebooks as Social Media
Hong-Yon Lach, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France

17:00 - End of Media Web Symposium, Demos & Coffee