Brandenburger Tor
Nov. 15–16, 2018 – Fraunhofer FOKUS, Berlin, Germany

Dr. Lechoslaw Tomaszewski

Orange Labs, Poland

Lechosław Tomaszewski received MSc. Eng. with honors and Ph.D. from the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, Poland. He has been with Orange Polska SA (previously Telekomunikacja Polska SA) since 1996. His industrial experience and expertise concern optical transmission, 4G networks, IMS architecture, quality probes, network/service management processes and tools. He is interested in various aspects of 5G systems and network slicing, and is currently working as R&D Expert at Orange Labs Research Poland on the EU-granted research projects 5G!Pagoda (EU-JP) and 5G-DRIVE (EU-CN).


How to Handle Different Requirements of Network Slices

The network slices can differ significantly in terms of longevity, the way of services deployment, as well as tenant management and orchestration rights. Moreover, short slice provisioning time or small footprint are important in some cases. Most of approaches to slicing is based on uniform manner of slice implementation within the framework with centralized MANO/OSS supporting multi-tenancy. In this presentation we have described a flexible network slicing framework that addresses slices specificity. It supports distributed management and orchestration enabling creation of orchestrators on demand, self-management of slices and uses vertical or horizontal slice stitching for recursive service implementation and inter-domain operations. It allows for selection of optimal management and orchestration ways according to required slice features or business goals of slice tenant.