Semantic Business Rules and Decision Models
A course in cooperation with EIT Digital Professional School
Business rules are everywhere! We have seen the rise of a new type of software called business rule management systems (BRMS) to manage and automate business and decision logic, e.g., in business process management and enterprise information management systems. The basic benefit of using semantic rule technologies for representing and automating business rules is that users employ semantic technologies to express what they want, while the responsibility to interpret this knowledge and to decide on how to do it is delegated to an automated rule engine. Semantic rule languages have been investigated comprehensively in the realms of semantic knowledge representation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) expert systems in the past decades and have matured in various rule standards and BRMS. They also support a recent trend from pure management of business rules to automated knowledge-based business decisions and actions. This semantic approach addresses an urgent need that businesses have nowadays: to change their business rules and decision logic in order to quickly react and adapt to a dynamic business environment, to overcome the restricting nature of slow IT change cycles, and to make fully or semi-automated machine reasoning and business decisions.
This course addresses the understanding of semantic technologies, standards and tools for the representation and automation of business rules and decision models.
Course Details
dates: tbaformat: online learning and 1 day workshop
In house training: upon request
language: english
location: Fraunhofer FOKUS, Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31, 10589 Berlincosts: 1450 €