Nov. 7–8, 2019 – Berlin, Germany

Prof. Edmundo R.M. Madeira

University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil

Edmundo R. M. Madeira received his PhD degree in electrical engineering from University of Campinas (UNICAMP), in 1991. He is a full professor with the University of Campinas, Brazil. He has published more than 150 papers in national and international conferences and journals. He was the general chair of the 7th Latin American Network Operation and Management Symposium (LANOMS’11) and a TPC co-chair of the 15th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2017). He is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Network and Systems Management (JNSM), Springer. His research interests include LTE and 5G networks, network management, future Internet, and cloud computing.


Experimenting Along The Road To 5G Network Slicing In Brazil

This talk will initially present a testbed that has been developed in the context of the FUTEBOL project, in Europe and Brazil, to enable 5G through end-to-end wireless and optical orchestration. Some experiments on an SDN infrastructure for wireless-optical integration and the interplay between wireless and optical networks for IoT will be commented. Some monitoring results for the IoT testbed will be presented. Next, some ideas about network slicing in the LTE Radio Access Networks will be discussed in a scenario with pedestrian, bicycle and vehicle mobility.

After, NECOS, other Brazil/Europe project, will briefly be discussed.

NECOS, to enable 5G services, proposes the Lightweight Slice Defined Cloud (LSDC) as an approach that extends the virtualization to all the resources in the involved networks and data centres and provides a uniform management with a high-level of orchestration.

Finally, the talk will discuss the possible integration of FUTEBOL mechanisms to Open5GCore platform.