Demonstration and Research Laboratory
The safety lab visualizes the challenges and potentials of collaborative safety solutions. On the basis of realistic hazard scenarios, the safety lab presents examples of organizational processes that serve as a central thread cross-linking the systems in control centers and showing their connection to alerting technologies for the population.
The contrast between the actual and the target technological status permits the safety lab to provide its guests with a vivid environment for discussion. At various levels of technical detail, vulnerabilities and approaches to solutions can be shown for specific exhibits or the entire warning process, and legal, organizational, social-scientific, and economic issues can be made a subject of discussion.
Research Laboratory
At the safety lab, common and new technologies are both employed in a manner that does not presuppose a specific solution, besides being subjected to experimental review and further development. In this way, then, the safety lab is a hub of research while, at the same time, representing a focal point for new collaborative safety solutions. The scenarios and the technologies used serve as examples and placeholders for comprehensive collaborative solutions.