After the successful 5G frequency auctions, network operators around the globe are now starting to deploy first 5G products trying to match different consumer and enterprise needs while discovering and exploring new business models. In this conference, which unites the three previous workshops discussing 5G technologies, lessons learned from trials and testbeds, and potential 5G business models, we want to understand the demands and readyness levels of different application domains for 5G technology adoption as well as understand the technological capabilities of first 5G products entering the market. We want to look at operator strategies in different parts of the world for rolling out 5G on national levels as well as entering the innovative domains of dedicated local 5G networks. As usual, the conference is featuring short stimulation presentations followed by highly interactive panels to discover and discuss the latest trends. Demos alongside the conference during the breaks will practically illustrate the state of play in 5G.
- Fraunhofer FOKUS
- Business Units
- Events
- 10th FOKUS FUSECO Forum
- Program
- Day 2 – Conference