Trendforschung und Öffentliche IT
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Trend or hype? What does the future of public IT look like?

Many supposedly great innovations only have a short half-life. Others that are little discussed determine our everyday lives today. In hardly any other industry are ground-breaking trends and short-term hypes as intertwined as in IT. The task of trend research is to provide orientation in this rapidly changing jungle of terms.

The central publication for this is the ÖFIT Trend Review. This collection of trends and topics localises and evaluates new topic landscapes in public IT. New trend topics are regularly analysed empirically and conceptually: whether 3D printers, darknet, mobile money or post-privacy - with the trend and topic collection, our Competence Center makes Public IT (ÖFIT) works on a continuous contribution to the discussion about the future of the digitalisation of society.

Services offered by the Competence Center Public IT (ÖFIT)

  • In the ÖFIT workshop, demonstrators and web applications are created to bring public IT to life.
  • Free publications highlight trend and future topics and provide a framework for orientation.
  • The Deutschland-Index der Digitalisierung (Germany Index of Digitalisation), one of the popular ÖFIT publications, allows a comparison of the degree and development of digitalisation in Germany.
  • Various event formats bring knowledge topics onto the stage and into interdisciplinary discussion
  • The ÖFIT podcast "re|Staat digital" provides a look behind the scenes and makes research findings audible.