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Research data infrastructures: the basis for networked and data-intensive science

Modern research at an internationally competitive level is no longer possible without digital support. As a result, more and more data is being generated and more and more technical systems are being used. This not only affects the life sciences, natural sciences and engineering, but also the humanities and social sciences. This leads to a paradigm shift, which is currently being accompanied by numerous activities. Prominent examples include the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

Digitalisation has a significant impact on science and research. New technologies enable research data to be utilised more efficiently and thus promote modern research. The central hypothesis of the research focus is that scientific progress can only be guaranteed if (1) data is available on a large scale, (2) this data is represented and linked in a meaningful way and (3) the special features of the individual disciplines are taken into account very carefully.

In our research focus, we concentrate on research data infrastructures and their importance for modern research. We deal with data infrastructures and tools for interdisciplinary and data-intensive researchers, with a particular focus on the representation and linking of digital artefacts such as publications, research data and research software.

We work in two interdisciplinary research groups, firstly in the "Research Data Infrastructure" research group at Fraunhofer FOKUS and secondly in the "Digitisation and Opening of Science" research group at the Weizenbaum Institute.

We actively contribute our research results to the Berlin University Alliance (BUA), the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

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