We are contributing to the digitalisation and opening up of science
The Weizenbaum Institute's “Digitalisierung und Öffnung der Wissenschaft” (Digitalisation and Opening up Science) working group has been based at Fraunhofer FOKUS since 2017.
The group researches the digitalisation and opening up of science and is actively involved in shaping it. Its current focus is on data infrastructures and data tools for interdisciplinary and data-intensive researchers. The research group deals with the following questions:
- What opportunities and risks arise from the digitalisation and opening up of science, and in particular from the establishment of data infrastructures and data tools for interdisciplinary and data-intensive researchers?
- How can research data and other digital artefacts for interdisciplinary and data-intensive researchers best be represented and linked using modern technologies?
- Which data infrastructures and data tools are suitable for interdisciplinary and data-intensive researchers? How can data infrastructures and data tools best be further developed using modern technologies?
The group's work is characterised by current scientific and technical developments in the areas of semantic web and linked data as well as data science and artificial intelligence. It draws on its extensive experience in the areas of open data management and open data platforms.
The research group is responsible for setting up a research data infrastructure at the Weizenbaum Institute. In recent years, it has developed the Weizenbaum Library, a repository for publications and research data. The objective is to record all publications and research data from the Weizenbaum Institute and provide the public with access to them for further use. The working group is part of the Weizenbaum research focus “Organisation von Wissenschaft” (Organisation of Science).
Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society – The German Internet Institute
The Weizenbaum Institute conducts interdisciplinary and fundamental research into the transformation of society through digitalisation and develops design options for politics, business and civil society. The objective is to gain a better understanding of the dynamics, mechanisms and implications of digitalisation. To this end, the Weizenbaum Institute analyses the ethical, legal, economic and political aspects of digital change. This creates an empirical basis for shaping digitalisation responsibly. In order to develop options for action for politics, business and civil society, the Weizenbaum Institute combines interdisciplinary, problem-oriented basic research with the exploration of concrete solutions and social dialogue.
The Weizenbaum Institute is a joint project from Berlin and Brandenburg funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The Weizenbaum-Institut e.V. is responsible for the central administration and legal representation of the joint project.