Fraunhofer FOKUS
Networking and fully managing data and services
In order to be data-driven in the public sector, data must be collected, structured, analysed and processed. High-quality administrative data is the basis for a fast flow of information as well as better processes, dialogue and citizen participation. We support public administration in managing data from end to end, improving transparency and efficiency on the basis of open data and promoting participation and collaboration. Our data management ecosystem piveau® provides data technologies and tools for processing administrative data for the various projects relating to big data, data sharing and open data.
We support public clients with the following services:
- Development of data strategies
- Design and implementation of portals and tools based on our piveau data technologies
- Analysing, transforming and processing of data
- Preparation of feasibility studies taking into account technical and legal aspects
- Specification of architectures with open, standardised interfaces
- Development of data and service marketplaces
- Development of prototypes
- Carrying out pilots and trial operations
- Support with tenders (including the creation of service specifications)
Further links:
- European Data Portal: Platform for open administrative data of the EU member states
- "open by data": Platform for open data in Bavaria
- POSSIBLE: Gaia-X ecosystem for the sovereign, self-determined handling of data
- NQDM: Development of a draft standard for the creation of metadata and open data
- Open.NRW: Implementation of the open data strategy
- GovData - Data portal for Germany: Study on behalf of the BMI and realisation of the portal
- InDaSpacePlus: Development of a secure data space to ensure data sovereignty in the exchange of data between companies
- Policy Compass: Development of a platform for monitoring policy using open data