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Scientific Publications 2018
Jahr Year |
Titel/Autor:in Title/Author |
Publikationstyp Publication Type |
2018 |
Effect of vibration emissions during shipping of artificial insemination doses on boar semen quality Schulze, M.; Bortfeldt, R.; Schäfer, J.; Jung, M.; Fuchs-Kittowski, F. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2018 |
The proportional constraint and its pruning Wolf, Armin |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Ensemble of Translators with Automatic Selection of the Best Translation - the submission of FOKUS to the WMT 18 biomedical translation task - Grozea, Cristian |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Publishing, patenting, and standardization: Motives and barriers of scientists Blind, Knut; Pohlisch, Jakob; Zi, Aikaterini |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2018 |
Ergänzungen zu ""Das S-Netzwerk und seine potenzielle wirtschaftliche Bedeutung" Viehmann, Johannes |
Studie Study |
2018 |
Semantic stream processing Le-Phuoc, Danh; Hauswirth, Manfred |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2018 |
360° video storytelling and virtual reality workshop Díaz-Kommonen, Lily; Vosmeer, Mirjam; Lee, Ji-Hye; Pham, Stefan; Bassbouss, Louay; Mancianti, Andrea |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Early Fusion of Camera and Lidar for robust road detection based on U-Net FCN Wulff, Florian; Schäufele, Bernd; Sawade, Oliver; Becker, Daniel; Henke, Birgit; Radusch, Ilja |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Design of an autonomous management and orchestration for Fog Computing Dlamini, Sabelo; Mwangama, Joyce; Ventura, N.; Magedanz, Thomas |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Advanced software engineering : Modell-basiert Software effizient und sicher entwickeln und prüfen Schieferdecker, Ina; Ritter, Tom |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2018 |
Findings of the WMT 2018 Biomedical Translation Shared Task Neves, Mariana; Yepes, Antonio Jimeno; Névéol, Aurélie; Grozea, Cristian; Siu, Amy; Kittner, Madeleine; Verspoor, Karin |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Results of the ontology alignment evaluation initiative 2018 Algergawy, A.; Cheatham, M.; Faria, D.; Ferrara, A.; Fundulaki, I.; Harrow, I.; Hertling, S.; Jimenez-Ruiz, E.; Karam, N.; Khiat, A.; Lambrix, P.; Li, H.; Montanelli, S.; Paulheim, H.; Pesquita, C.; Saveta, T.; Schmidt, D.; Shvaiko, P.; Splendiani, A.; Thieblin, E.; Trojahn, C.; Vatascinová, J.; Zamazal, O.; Zhou, L. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
KR4IPLaw Judgment Miner - Case-Law Mining for Legal Norm Annotation Ramakrishna, S.; Górski, L.; Paschke, A. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Fraunhofer-Institut für Offene Kommunikationssysteme. Jahresbericht 2018 |
Jahresbericht Annual Report |
2018 |
Sample Size, Model Robustness, and Classification Accuracy in Diagnostic Multivariate Neuroimaging Analyses Neuhaus, Andres H.; Popescu, Florin C. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2018 |
Towards supporting the extended DevOps approach through multi-cloud architectural patterns for design and pre-deployment - a tool supported approach Alonso, Juncal; Escalante, Marisa; Farid, Lena; López, María José; Orue-Echevarria, Leire; Dutkowski, Simon |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
A reference architecture for network slicing Kuklinski, S.; Tomaszewski, L.; Osinski, T.; Ksentini, A.; Frangoudis, P.A.; Cau, E.; Corici, M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Digitalisierungsprojekte in der Praxis Büchner, Stefanie; Hecht, Stefanie; Kurrek, Holger |
Bericht Report |
2018 |
Representing argumentation schemes with constraint handling rules (CHR) Gordon, Thomas F.; Friedrich, Horst |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
A citizen science approach using information systems to provide qualitative information on historic natural disasters to risk communicators and the general public Klafft, Michael; Dudzinska-Jarmolinska, Agnieszka; Harari, Ivana; Gacitua, Ricardo; Bonilla, Solhanlle; Morrobel, Teresa |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Risk and crisis communication in Colombia Klafft, Michael; Schreiber, Pia |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Satellite communications integration with terrestrial networks Kapovits, Adam; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Gheorghe-Pop, Ilie-Daniel; Gavras, Anastasius; Burkhardt, Frank; Schlichter, Thomas; Covaci, Stefan |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2018 |
Robust Communication for Cooperative Driving Maneuvers Sawade, Oliver; Schulze, Matthias; Radusch, Ilja |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2018 |
The impact of international management standards on academic research Pohle, Anna; Blind, Knut; Neustroev, Dmitry |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2018 |
The effects of cooperation in accreditation on international trade Blind, Knut; Mangelsdorf, Axel; Pohlisch, Jakob |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2018 |
Extending the UML Testing Profile with a Fine-Grained Test Logging Model Wendland, M.-F.; Hoppe, N.; Schneider, M.; Ulrich, S. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
From metadata catalogs to distributed data processing for smart city platforms and services: A study on the interplay of CKAN and hadoop Scholz, Robert; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lämmel, Philipp; Schieferdecker, Ina |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Streaming and playback of 16k 360° videos on the web Bassbouss, Louay; Pham, Stefan; Steglich, Stephan |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Access control management and orchestration in NFV environment Tran, Thanh Quang; Covaci, Stefan; Corici, Marius; Magedanz, T. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Enabling the interoperability of the Modelica DSL and Matlab Simulink towards the development of self-adaptive dynamic systems Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Dudeck, Grit; Wagner, Michael; Hein, Christian; Prakash, Arun; Ritter, Tom |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2018 |
Die E-Akte als Dreh- und Angelpunkt für die Digitalisierung der Kommunalverwaltung Steffens, Petra; Lefèvre, Gert |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2018 |
Message from the QRS 2018 General Chairs Dai, Y.; Schieferdecker, I. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Standards and the global economy Blind, Knut; Kahin, Brian |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2018 |
Low Power Wide Area - durchdringende Funknetze Tiemann, Jens |
Vortrag Presentation |
2018 |
(Un)berechenbar?. Algorithmen und Automatisierung in Staat und Gesellschaft |
Sammelband Anthology |
2018 |
Die digitalisierte Nachhaltigkeitsgesellschaft Schieferdecker, Ina; Messner, Dirk |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2018 |
Data Analytics in Politik und Verwaltung Thapa, Basanta E.P.; Parycek, Peter |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2018 |
Digitalisierung - worüber wir jetzt reden müssen Fromhold-Eisebith, Martina; Grote, Ulrike; Matthies, Ellen; Messner, Dirk; Pittel, Karen; Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim; Schieferdecker, Ina; Schlacke, Sabine; Schneidewind, Uwe |
Bericht Report |
2018 |
On the emergence of typical behaviours in LMS An, Truong-Sinh; Krauss, Christopher; Merceron, Agathe |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Standard-essential patents and the distribution of gains from trade for innovation Ramel, F.; Laer, M. von; Blind, K. |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2018 |
Including weather forecasts in routing decisions of navigation systems for road vehicles: The users' view Klafft, M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Die vollautomatische Kommune Weber, Mike |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Understanding cross-cultural adoption of a first aid app Said, Maurice; Hughes, Amanda; Anson, Susan; Watson, Hayley; Klafft, Michael; Metz, Karin; Lukau, Eridy |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2018 |
Rotation-Invariant magnetic features for inertial indoor-localization Klipp, Konstantin; Rosé, Helge; Willaredt, Jonas; Sawade, Oliver; Radusch, Ilja |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Execution of UTP test cases using fUML Wendland, M.-F.; Hoppe, N. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Situational Awareness in Virtual Networks: The ASTRID Approach Carrega, A.; Repetto, M.; Risso, F.; Covaci, S.; Zafeiropoulos, A.; Giannetsos, T.; Toscano, O. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Impact of sample size and matching on single-subject classification of schizophrenia Neuhaus, A.H.; Popescu, F.C. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2018 |
Document Changes. Modeling, Detection, Storage and Visualization (DChanges 2018) Barabucci, Gioele; Borghoff, Uwe M.; Iorio, Angelo di; Schimmler, Sonja; Munson, Ethan V. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Eine Mikroservice-basierte Referenzarchitektur für interoperable, flexible und robuste Warnsysteme Meissen, Ulrich; Pfennigschmidt, Stefan; Hardt, Markus; Faust, Daniel; Fuchs-Kittowski, Frank |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Representing argumentation schemes with Constraint Handling Rules (CHR) Gordon, Thomas F.; Friedrich, Horst; Walton, Douglas |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2018 |
Online-Monitoring Autonomous Transport Robots with an R-valued Temporal Logic Lorenz, Felix; Schlingloff, Holger |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
On the current state of interoperable content protection for internet video streaming Pham, Stefan; Kuipou, Franck Russel; Arbanowski, Stefan; Steglich, Stephan |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Internettracking Goldacker, Gabriele |
Bericht Report |
2018 |
A concept for comprehensive IT support for environmental and energy management in SMEs O'Faoláin de Bhróithe, A.; Fuchs-Kittowski, F.; Freiheit, J.; Hüttemann, D.; Voigt, S.; Dinkel, T. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Hochwassermanagement-Plattform für kleinere Städte und Kommunen mit Bürgerbeteiligung Burkard, S.; Fuchs-Kittowski, F.; Müller, R.; Pfützner, B. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
5GENESIS: The genesis of a flexible 5G facility Koumaras, Harilaos; Tsolkas, Dimitris; Gardikis, Georgios; Gomez, Pedro Merino; Frascolla, Valerio; Triantafyllopoulou, Dionysia; Emmelmann, Marc; Koumaras, Vaios; Osma, Maria L. Garcia; Munaretto, Daniel; Atxutegi, Eneko; Puga, Jara Suárez de; Alay, Ozgu; Brunstrom, Anna; Bosneag, Anne Marie Cristina |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Smart governance in the context of smart cities Pereira, G.V.; Parycek, P.; Falco, E.; Kleinhans, R. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2018 |
Quality analysis with IoT-Testware Rennoch, Axel; Hackel, Sascha |
Vortrag Presentation |
2018 |
V2X communication in heterogeneous networks Protzmann, Robert |
Dissertation Doctoral Thesis |
2018 |
Strategische Bereitstellung offener Verwaltungsdaten Klessmann, Jens; Staab, Torsten |
Bericht Report |
2018 |
The role of smart technologies to support citizen engagement and decision making: The SmartGov case Pereira, G.V.; Eibl, G.; Stylianou, C.; Martínez, G.; Neophytou, H.; Parycek, P. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2018 |
Cooperative Longitudinal Positioning at Intersections Using DSRC Zhang, Haiyang; Schäufele, Bernd; Hark, Johann Nikolai; Sawade, Oliver; Radusch, Ilja |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Das ÖFIT-Trendsonar Künstliche Intelligenz Welzel, Christian; Grosch, Dorian |
Buch Book |
2018 |
Vier wissenspolitische Herausforderungen einer datengetriebenen Verwaltung Thapa, Basanta E.P. |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2018 |
Specification and Verification of Collaborative Transport Robots Schlingloff, Bernd-Holger |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Model-based security testing Lunkeit, Armin; Schieferdecker, Ina |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Anforderungen an die Netze der Gigabit-Gesellschaft Tiemann, Jens |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2018 |
Scientific foundations training and entrepreneurship activities in the domain of ICT-enabled Governance Pereira, G.V.; Charalabidis, Y.; Alexopoulos, C.; Mureddu, F.; Parycek, P.; Ronzhyn, A.; Sarantis, D.; Flak, L.; Wimmer, M.A. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Proton testing of the NXP P4080 processor at the COSY accelerator Höffgen, Stefan; Liebender, Mirko; Baum, Max; Carl, Christopher; Felden, Olaf; Kündgen, Tobias; Lennartz, Wilhelm; Metzger, Stefan; Plettner, Samuel; Schön, Friedrich |
Vortrag Presentation |
2018 |
Practical Performance Degradation Mitigation Solution Using Anomaly Detection for Carrier-Grade Software Networks Corici, Marius; Buda, Teodora Sandra; Shrestha, Ranjan; Cau, Eleonora; Metin, Taner; Assem, Haytham |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Open data development of countries: Global status and trends Florez-Ramos, Esmeralda |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Unintended Side Effects of the Digital Transition: European Scientists' Messages from a Proposition-Based Expert Round Table Scholz, Roland W.; Bartelsman, Eric J.; Diefenbach, Sarah; Franke, Lude; Grunwald, Arnim; Helbing, Dirk; Hill, Richard; Hilty, Lorenz; Höjer, Mattias; Klauser, Stefan; Montag, Christian; Parycek, Peter; Prote, Jan Philipp; Renn, Ortwin; Reichel, A.; Reichel, André; Schuh, Günther; Steiner, Gerald; Pereira, Gabriela Viale |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2018 |
A New Paradigm to Address Threats for Virtualized Services Covaci, S.; Repetto, M.; Risso, F. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Patentierung und Standardisierung Brock, Markus; Blind, Knut |
Buch Book |
2018 |
Human perception of enriched topic models Lukasiewicz, W.; Todor, A.; Paschke, A. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
A rapid prototyping environment for cooperative advanced driver assistance systems Massow, Kay; Radusch, Ilja |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2018 |
Semantic communication between components for smart factories based on oneM2M Willner, A.; Diedrich, C.; Younes, R.B.; Hohmann, S.; Kraft, A. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Why does the diffusion of environmental management standards differ across countries? Orcos, Raquel; Pérez-Aradros, Beatriz; Blind, Knut |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2018 |
Digitalisierung staatlicher Informationspflichten Gottschick, Jan; Steffens, Petra |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Towards a next generation 112 testbed Rebahi, Y.; Chiu, K.T.; Tcholtchev, N.; Hohberg, S.; Pallis, E.; Markakis, E. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2018 |
Recent advances in classifying risk-based testing approaches Felderer, Michael; Großmann, Jürgen; Schieferdecker, Ina |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2018 |
Linked data for internet of everything Le-Phuoc, D.; Hauswirth, M. |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2018 |
Triangulum - demonstrate, disseminate, replicate Stöffler, Sonja; Lämmel, Philipp; Schmidt, Alexander; Shetty, Nikita; Padilla, Marielisa; Fasoula, Eva |
Bericht Report |
2018 |
Standards in the global value chains of the European Single Market Blind, Knut; Mangelsdorf, Axel; Niebel, Crispin; Ramel, Florian |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2018 |
Know your risk. Systematic security testing for automotive systems Großmann, Jürgen |
Vortrag Presentation |
2018 |
Business information systems. 21st international conference, BIS 2018. Proceedings |
Tagungsband Conference Proceeding |
2018 |
Investigating the effect of attributs on user trust in social media Qundus, Jamal Al; Paschke, Adrian |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Das Internet der Dinge digitalisiert den Mittelstand Rennoch, Axel; Schieferdecker, Ina; Wagner, Michael |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2018 |
OntoMaven - Maven-based ontology development and management of distributed ontology repositories Paschke, A.; Schäfermeier, R. |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2018 |
Open Data Spaces Bohlen, Vincent; Bruns, Lina; Menz, Nadja; Kirstein, Fabian; Schimmler, Sonja |
Studie Study |
2018 |
Urbane Datenplattformen in der Cloud Catal, Faruk; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lämmel, Philipp; Schieferdecker, Ina |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2018 |
TransportLog 1.0 - Mobile Sensing-App zur Analyse des Einflusses von Transportstress auf die Eberspermaqualität Fuchs-Kittowski, F.; Bortfeldt, R.; Schulze, M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Performance measurements of Network Service Deployment on a Federated and Orchestrated Virtualisation Platform for 5G experimentation Vural, Serdar; Minerva, Roberto; Carella, Guiseppe A.; Medhat, Ahmed M.; Tomasini, Lorenzo; Pizzimenti, Simone; Riemer, Bjoern; Stravato, Umberto |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
The use of scientific literature in ISO Standards Fenton, Alex; Gauch, Stephan; Blind, Knut |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Digitale Räume als Teil der Daseinsvorsorge Schliesky, Utz; Jöns, Johanna; Gottberg, Friedrich; Gottschick, Jan |
Buch Book |
2018 |
PSOA prova: PSOA translation of pure production rules to the prova engine Grätz, Lukas; Boley, Harold; Paschke, Adrian |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Time-dependent recommender system for the prediction of appropriate learning objects Krauss, Christopher |
Dissertation Doctoral Thesis |
2018 |
Branched learning paths for the recommendation of personalized sequences of course items Krauss, Christopher; Salzmann, Andreas; Merceron, Agathe |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2018 |
Providing trust through efficient cloud security certification Großmann, Jürgen |
Vortrag Presentation |
2018 |
Digitalization of public reporting duties Steffens, Petra; Gottschick, Jan; Wolf, Petra |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
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